
Keep up to date with the latest news and events at Rompers. 

Christmas At Rompers

December 31, 2020
An exciting Christmas at Rompers.

Training and Development

October 22, 2020
Management and staff have been identifying areas for staff training and professional development to ensure the practitioner as the 3rd educator is of the highest quality.

Welcome Back to Rompers

August 10, 2020
We are delighted to welcome all our children and families back to Rompers following lock down.

August 2020 Spaces Available

June 5, 2020
Looking for childcare or funded ELC provision from August? Contact us now to arrange a viewing.

Outdoor Classroom Update

May 27, 2020
We are busy getting our outdoor classroom finished.

Wonder Wednedays

April 1, 2020
Keeping in touch with our children and families during COVID-19.

Our Outdoor Classroom

February 27, 2020
An exciting development for our outdoor area.

Can I go and Play Now?

October 14, 2019
Building creativity, communication and collaboration through slow reads, conferences and in-house CLPL.

Developing Skill Based Learning

August 12, 2019
As we begin our new term, practitioners reflect on their role and how best to promote skill based learning

Physical Literacy at Tennis

July 18, 2019
Using resources in our wider community to enhance physical literacy skills.